How Long Does a Funeral Ceremony Last?
Every individual is free to choose how their funeral ceremony will take place – whether it will be burial or cremation. There is no formal structure which dictates how long a funeral ceremony should be. Every family and every individual in the family is different. Not everyone wants the same type of funeral service.
The length of the funeral ceremony and what it encompasses depends on religion and culture. Certainly, costs will determine whether the funeral will be simple or elaborate and this will influence the length of the funeral. While you can safely say that a funeral ceremony will last approximately an hour long, there can be funerals of 15 minutes long and funeral ceremonies of 3 hours long.
Funeral Ceremony – 15 Minutes or 2 Hours Long? You Choose
The type of funeral they choose will also determine how long the funeral will be. Funerals have traditionally taken place in a church and followed a general format. These days, however, funeral ceremonies take place in other venues, and the family will make suggestions regarding the service. Short funeral services can be 30 minutes long, while others can last an hour or even 90 minutes.
For instance, at a Jehovah’s Witness funeral, a congregation elder will officiate, and because the religion forbids any recording equipment or cameras, there’ll be no opportunity for a video of the dead person’s life. They read scriptures and say prayers, and a funeral service is a mere 15 to 30 minutes long.
When it comes to the Amish people in the USA, they bury their dead three days after death. The mourners all wear black. They will typically hold a 2-hour service. There are no eulogies, and while they congregants show the dead person respect, the service is a time to praise God.
Funeral Ceremony – What Format are You Interested In?
When we experience the death of someone in the family, a funeral service fills some important needs – it’s a tribute to their life and also provides for a dignified goodbye. The funeral service also helps the remaining family member face reality – the deceased is never coming back again.
What you decide for your funeral service will determine its length. The deceased’s wishes will be carried out, but the family members will also put in some suggestions regarding the service.
A funeral should be looked upon as a step towards healing with the comfort of family and friends. Today, many people look upon a funeral as a celebratory event. This will also impact what happens at a funeral and how long the service takes. Modern funeral directors are flexible and accommodating, planning funerals that are tailored to individuals.
Funeral Ceremony – Have what You Want
In the 21st century there is freedom to have what you want. People are future minded and opening their minds to the future means giving up some ideas and traditions from the past that people feel are no longer realistic to them. Today they simply want to find ideas that will be affordable to them while still being memorable and meaningful.
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All info was correct at time of publishing