Where can I buy Funeral cover in South Africa?

Where can I buy funeral cover? For South Africans at the moment, times are tough. thinking about adding to your financial burden. You don’t even want to think about insurance, much less funeral cover.

But what happens if you or one of your family were to die? Would you be able to come up with the thousands of rand for the funeral within a few days?

Where can I buy Funeral cover and How can it Help me? 

  • By law, a funeral cover provider must be a registered service provider.
  • You can choose to go through a broker or deal with the company directly.
  • It is easiest to apply online.
  • Funeral cover is offered by a number of different providers.
  • Comparing products is important to ensure that you get the best deal possible.

Where can I buy Funeral cover

Funeral cover is there to make it easier to cope with the expense of a funeral. You get to concentrate on grieving instead of stressing about making payments.

There are a number of different funeral cover options in South Africa.

Most providers have a range of products so that you can tailor your cover to what you need and will pay out within 24-48 hours of receiving a claim. The levels of cover differ significantly, as do the additional benefits.

It’s important to consider whether or not the added benefits are something that you do really need. Added benefits make it harder to compare the different policies on offer because there is more to compare than just price.

The most important things to consider are:

  • Cover amount.
  • How much does it cost to cover the whole family?
  • How easy the claims process is.
  • Whether or not the provider is a registered service provider.
  • What waiting periods or exclusions apply.

What to Look for in a Provider

You do need to ensure that your funeral cover provider is a registered financial services provider. Do a little research and find out how easy is it to claim? When were they established and see if there are any complaints about them online?

In this article, we will discuss the cover that Momentum provides.

Key Benefits of Momentum Policies:

  • A tombstone benefit that gives a R10 000 lump sum a year after the death.
  • Repatriation of the remains if the person died outside of South Africa.
  • Multiply Starter Benefit.
  • A discount at AVBOB to a maximum of R4 000.
  • R250 airtime paid to the claimant.
  • Grocery vouchers of up to R1000 per month for a period of 6 months after the death.
  • You can skip one payment for every twelve payments paid.

Who Can be Covered?

You can cover yourself, your partner, dependents, parents, friends, and family. You could, for example, cover your employees and other people not related to you plus fourteen others on a standard policy.

Alternatively, choose to cover a maximum of 50 people.The insurance is available to South African citizens or those who are permanent residents. The minimum age for entry is 16 and the maximum age is 75.

How much Can I insure for?

The cover starts at R5 000 and goes up to a maximum of R100 000.

Where Can I Buy Funeral Cover? Finding funeral insurance is easier than you realise, what is difficult though, is convincing people they need it.

All info was correct at time of publishing