Group Funeral Schemes
Employees are the driving force of any business. Here we will have a good look at group funeral schemes as a major perk to personnel.
Imporantly, helping them and their families to enjoy a more secure future is the motivation behind Group Funeral Schemes.
Alos, these funeral schemes are underwritten by a number of major South African insurance providers and gives business owners the opportunity of offering their staff an additional benefit at an affordable price.
One of the major role players
The Old Mutual Burial Society Support Plan meets the requirements of burial societies and a host of other groups.
Benefits and features – Group Funeral Schemes
- The Burial Support Plan has been designed for burial societies, including stokvels, co-ops, clubs, NGOs, churches, and for funeral parlours
- Also it offers affordable rates
- Packages meet the needs of burial societies
- Payouts are made within 48 hours, provided the relevant documentation has been lodged with the claim
- The Old Mutual protects Burial Societies against negative financial implications in the event of multiple claims
- The company provides financial education workshops
- The advent of HIV/AIDS has underlined the importance of offering guidance to companies regarding premium scales for the funeral benefits
- Old Mutual provides burial societies with basic administration and financial assistance
- It also offers a More4U Value Added Services product, that includes legal and funeral support
Group Funeral Schemes Cover target market
Group funeral schemes are targeted to help employees in the middle to lower income groups.
So South African insurance providers offer a wide range of products to suit all companies, be they big or small.
An innovative tool
Genlife Funeral Administration Software is available free of charge to all its clients.
It is an excellent tool, particularly for undertakers, in the cost-effective management of their businesses.
So this funeral administration software is web-based, enabling business owners to monitor their companies throughout the country.
The Genlife Funeral Administration Software is also a user-friendly system, enabling business owners to control their membership database.
Software benefits
- Free access to the website online application service
- Members can apply for funeral policies on their company website
- They process applications in under five minutes
- Eliminate administrative work
- Eliminate paperwork
- Promote membership growth
- Employees can apply for funeral cover of up to R30 000
- Other innovative and additional benefits on offer
The role of trade unions
South African trade unions, because of their vast membership base, exercise tremendous clout when it comes to negotiation.
This, too, is true of funeral insurance cover.
One example is the PSA – the Public Servants Association – which represents more than 230 000 people employed in the public sector.
Working in liaison with Assupol and Old Mutual, the PSA offers group funeral schemes streamlined to suit the pockets of its members.
Also, as the largest, politically non-affiliated union representing the public service sector, the PSA’s primary objective it to effectively protect and promote its members’ interests and rights.
Underwriters of group funeral insurance cover
SA Life Benefits Specialists is one of South Africa’s leading authorised financial providers and specialises as an underwriting administrator for Group Funeral Insurance.
With headquarters based in Pretoria, SA Life Benefits also has underwriting authority with a number of companies of companies.
Its largest client is the Old Mutual.
Compulsory Funeral Schemes
Who enjoys cover in compulsory funeral schemes for employees, trade unions and corporate institutions:
- Membership is open to all permanent employees up to 65 years of age
- The SA Life Benefits Funeral Plan insures the principal member and family, including spouse and children, whether biological or adopted, under the age of 21 years
- It also includes children up to the age of 25 years if they are students at a recognised education institution
Who is excluded from joining?
- Extended family members, such as parents or in-laws, cannot be added to the funeral cover
- Month-to-month insurance cover is provided
- No medical examinations are necessary
- Premiums can rise, subject to one calendar month’s notice
When does insurance cover cease?
- On retirement
- On the death of the main member
- If you don’t pay your premiums
- If you lose your job
Administrative requirements
- Employers must provide SA Life Benefits with a complete list of all its staff members joining the scheme
- Details of employees and all their dependants must include full names, surnames and ID numbers
- A list of participating members must go to SA Life Benefits every month
- Claims are paid within 24 hours, provided all relevant documentation has been received
- Pay slips for the month prior to death must accompany the claim
- Also, in the event of the death of a members’ immediate family, proof of relationship must be supplied – marriage certificate, birth certificate of child or an affidavit detailing the relationship
Obtaining funeral insurance cover online
Funeral Cover Finder is an online free quotation service.
The site offers:
- Quotes from top funeral cover providers in South Africa
- Also, customised solution for group funeral cover insurance
- A variety of affordable options
- Free management presentations
- Quick and easy sign-up process
- Flexible payment options
- A nationwide service
Remember: business owners, both big and small, should seriously consider introducing group funeral cover insurance as an added benefit to their employees.
This form of insurance will alleviate the burden of financial stress from employees who will benefit from an affordable package because of the group rates available to South Africa’s business owners.
So remember, group funeral insurance cover is available to any organisation. Significantly, be it a trade union or stokvel, South Africa’s insurance providers are geared to meet all industry needs.
To get a FREE funeral cover quote, complete the form on this page.
All info was correct at time of publishing