A Discovery Life Funeral Plan takes care of the future.
When last did you think about getting a funeral plan? Take some time now to look at the Discovery Life Funeral Plan.
Most people don’t stop to think for a moment about dying. Or, more importantly, who will pay for their funeral. Not having a funeral plan in place can cause endless financial strife for your family.
A Discovery Life Funeral Plan is ‘Plan A’
Plan ‘B’ is no plan at all. A good funeral plan allows you to pay the cost of your own funeral (or a family member) with no financial pressure on your loved ones.
There are very few South Africans who can find R10 000 in a hurry to pay for a basic funeral. A funeral plan on the other hand, will ensure you have a paid for dignified funeral.
The Discovery Life Funeral Plan you Can afford
Get a Discovery Life Funeral Plan from just R53 a month. Their funeral cover pays out between R10 000 and R60 000 on your death or the passing away of a family member.
There are two plans – the Essential and Classic Funeral Plan, each with their own unique benefits. They are affordable for every working person and each comes with some amazing benefits.
There are many good reasons you would want to look at what Discovery Life Funeral Cover can offer.
Here’s what You get with a Discovery Life Funeral Plan
- Premiums that start at R53 a month.
- With the Classic Plan up to 17.5% of your premiums are paid back to you each year by way of the Premium PayBack benefit.
- A grocery benefit, useful for after the funeral.
- Pay out in 24 hours, unlike many other policies where payment is made within 48 hours.
- Double the cover amount if you or your partner die because of an accident.
- Education and Memorial benefit, each pays out a certain sum on your death.
- The Memorial Benefit pays R5 000 to assist with the costs of unveiling.
- A pay out for a stillborn baby, or the death of a child within the first 3 months after birth.
- Insures fifteen people.
- Discovery Life pays the premium for an entire year to ensure your family has continued funeral cover after you pass on.
Making the Unbearable, bearable
It can seem like the end of the world when a family member dies, but the situation is much worse if you have no money for a decent burial.
A funeral plan from Discovery Life ensures that you or your loved one gets a dignified funeral. There are also a host of other benefits both before and after death that can make an unbearable time in your family life that much more bearable.
All info was correct at time of publishing