Grief After Suicide

Many people in our circles portray happily, laughing faces but underneath that facade, they are at breaking point. Just in the United States alone, 40,000 people reach this point and end their lives each year. When you consider the global suicide rate, you get an idea of how many people experience grief after suicide.

Grieving for someone who has committed suicide is different from when someone passed away by other means. That may be because of illness, advancing age or because of an accident. Grief after suicide is different. There are so many unanswered questions that accompany the grieving process as well as many regrets and blame. Not only that, many people meet grief after suicide with hostility. They ridicule and almost detest those who they feel can’t cope with life and have taken the easy way out. These feelings of distaste and animosity are often directed towards the grieving family.

Grief After SuicideGrief After Suicide – Break the Vicious Cycle

Death by suicide is sometimes violent. Mourners may have to deal with recurring thoughts of the death and its circumstances. This in itself can often lead to post-traumatic stress disorder that may need professional treatment. Unresolved grief after a suicide can turn into deep depression, where painful emotions are so severe and long lasting that you find yourself contemplating suicidal thoughts. This is when it is time to break the vicious cycle so that you can resume your life.

In fact, suicide survivors often find individual counseling as well as suicide support groups to be helpful. If you don’t have the will or energy during grieving to attend group therapy sessions, Internet support groups are a growing and sought after resource. These resources can help you make sense of the death and show you how you can better cope with the many reactions you get from members of the public and even your family.

Grief After Suicide – A Mixed Bag of Feelings

A loved one’s suicide can be emotionally draining and devastating. You’ll experience feelings of utter despair, shock, guilt, anger, confusion and hatred. Sometimes these feelings can be so intense you may need to get medical support to start your journey towards healing. Your grief after suicide might be heart wrenching, but it can also be mixed with other feelings that might even surprise you.

From disbelief and complete emotional numbness to anger and despair, you may experience these feelings for weeks, months and even years after the suicide of a loved one. The aftermath of suicide can be physically and mentally exhausting, and with a suicide, there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Losing someone to suicide can knock you completely off balance and grieving will happen at its pace.

Grief After Suicide – Celebrate Your Turning Point

It may be unthinkable to believe that your grief will eventually subside and that you will be able to wake up in the morning at peace with the world and yourself. But it can happen. If your grief has been going on for too long, get medical help and counselling. On the anniversary of the death, you may remember the day with a new calmness and mark it also as your personal anniversary to getting over your grief and moving forward with new determination.

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All info was correct at time of publishing