Funeral Insurance for Zimbabweans in South Africa

There are mixed statistics about Zimbabwe. However, one thing that is 100% accurate. As the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe is between 70 and 80%, thousands of Zimbabweans flock to South Africa. Clearly, they’re looking for work. Some find a job, while the rest just only add to the swiftly swelling jobless ranks. Understandably, lots of them look for funeral insurance for Zimbabweans.

But Zimbabweans don’t realise that these days, South Africa can’t offer a brighter future. Because there are few jobs, and the population just keeps growing.  Significantly, there aren’t enough jobs to go around, no matter how educated you are.

South Africans don’t take kindly to Zimbabweans taking the few jobs there are either. And many Zimbabweans die in South Africa by murder or suicide.

Beitbridge is the largest border into Zimbabwe from South Africa, and sources at the border-post reckon they process 100 body repatriations every week. Also, funeral parlours confirm this, handling in the region of 400 returns every month.

Funeral Insurance for Zimbabweans – Cooperation Between Countries

The Kings and Queens Funeral Parlour in Bulawayo say that they alone handle about 120 bodies each month which come across the Beitbridge border post. These statistics prove that every Zimbabwean needs repatriation and death insurance when they come to South Africa.

Funeral Insurance for ZImbabweansA foreign country will not protect you, and at least funeral insurance will guarantee your return. So this kind of insurance ensures that you will be transferred and repatriated at the time of your death. Econet Wireless South Africa offers CarryMeHome – a death and repatriation insurance policy for Econet Call Home customers.

Funeral Insurance for Zimbabweans – Two Variations from Econet

Econet offers two policy options –

  • CarryMeHome.
  • CarryMeHome Plus.

Let’s see what these CarryMeHome’s offer and what they are about –

  • CarryMeHome Regent Life Assurance underwrites the policy. Regent Life Assurance is a licensed long-term insurer and an authorised financial services provider.
  • This insurance policy assists  Zimbabweans and Basotho’s with repatriation services.
  • The insurance policy also offers a cash payment benefit.
  • Repatriation of mortal remains of the insured to a funeral parlour in Zimbabwe or Lesotho which they choose.
  • Transport for two mourners to Lesotho or Zimbabwe

The CarryMeHome Plus Variation

  • The premiums for the CarryMeHome policy are R20 a month.
  • The premiums for the CarryMeHome Plus policy are R40 a month.
  • Also, with CarryMeHome Plus a nominated beneficiary receives a cash payment of R10 000.
  • And, the CarryMeHome Plus makes sure the deceased goes home to Lesotho or Zimbabwe to a funeral parlour of choice, and two mourners get transport to these countries.


Funeral Insurance for Zimbabweans – More Benefits

You can get further benefits. For instance:

  • Delivery of medications for injury or illness.
  • Repatriation for other beneficiaries.
  • Search and rescue expenses.
  • In the case of death, the company will pay for your coffin.
  • Should you lose your ID documents and travel tickets, then the company will make a cash advance for a new travel ticket.
  • Should you find yourself jailed, the company caters for legal fees.


Funeral Insurance for Zimbabweans in South Africa is Possible

There is an insurer helpline number on your insurance policy card to use if you find yourself in trouble in South Africa. The company will assess your needs, and you may qualify for repatriation. Keep your CarryMeHome card safe, as you never know what problems may arise when as a Zimbabwean you come to South Africa in the hope of greener pastures.

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All info was correct at time of publishing