Avbob Cashback Funeral Cover

Avbob cashback Funeral cover is an excellent way to save for the unexpected costs associated with a funeral.

After every five-year period without claiming, Avbob gives you that entire years’ worth of premiums back!

It’s the best of the many benefits associated with Avbob’s funeral plans – cash back in your pocket every fifth year.

Avbob cashback Funeral cover – What are the benefits?

You can customise your plan

With Avbob Cashback Funeral Cover you decide who in your family is insured and also how much cover you require. Therefore, if you support extended family members, in-laws or several children, they can all be covered.

The extra Benefit options of Avbob cashback Funeral cover Include the:

Accident Benefit

In the event of an accidental death through a car crash or a fire, Avbob pays the client a double payout.

Breadwinner Benefit

If the primary breadwinner dies, the deceased’s spouse/partner, children, and parents get insurance without having to do medical examinations.

Often families have little or no funds to contribute to funeral plans, so the Breadwinner is an excellent choice. This benefit only applies if the insured member pays his or her premiums.

Children’s Benefit

This benefit covers your children and not only your own but also your step children or any adopted children. You get to include all of your kids under your cover, but you only have to pay for one child.

Parent Benefit

Cover your parents’ funerals as well with Avbob Cashback Funeral Cover. And if your spouse is on your policy, then his or her parents will receive cover too.

Extended Family Benefit

Ideal for the large extended families, with this benefit you can cover as much as six members of your extended family, which includes grandparents, foster children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters.

Spouse Benefit

Avbob Cashback funeral Cover

This benefit allows you to cover your spouse/partner separately from yourself. Setting up and paying for your funeral cover is quite simple with Avbob, you can pay via a debit or stop order, or you can deposit cash each month – it’s up to you how you pay.

Go ahead and apply for the Avbob cashback Funeral cover –

1 Telephone – Call 0861 282 621

2 Email – With a click of a button you can email Avbob, and they will send you all the information you need to apply. Click here to email AVBOB.

3 Online – click here.

Be sure to read the Statutory Notice to Long-Term Insurance Policyholder, which will help you make the right decisions when it comes to choosing your insurance package.

To get a FREE funeral cover quote simply complete and send the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing