Plan Early for a Funeral with a Prepaid Plan
No one wants to think of death – especially their own. But doing this has many advantages, for you and the family members you leave behind. A Prepaid Plan is something to consider.
Take time out to discuss this with your family, even if they try to ignore the subject. Explain to them that you want to plan and pay for your funeral while you are still alive, saving them the stress and hassle of doing this while they are grieving and feeling vulnerable.
You can take out a prepaid funeral plan if you are over 18 years of age but under 65. Some companies may differ on the maximum entry age.
Some Advantages of Pre-Planning your Funeral with a Prepaid Plan
You can save your family a lot of funeral expenses when you pass on.
- You decide on whether you want your funeral to be extravagant or small and intimate.
- Grief makes people unable to make important decisions about the type of funeral they want to honour you with, and what they can afford.
- You lock in today’s prices for the funeral of tomorrow.
- Your family will save on the cost of inflation and the rising premiums.
- The knowledge that you have preplanned and prepaid your funeral will not only give your family peace of mind but will give you a degree of peace and satisfaction too.
- You will be able to choose your options based on your religious beliefs or preferences.
- You can choose how much you want to spend, and what you want to spend it on.
Things to be Aware of before Prepaying your Funeral, Prepaid Plan
- The money you pay in should include the cost of the funeral home, funeral director, admin fees, and certain other expenses.
- Take care that the funeral home you choose is a reputable company. Get in writing what will happen if they change ownership, or go out of business.
- You do not have to buy all the services from the same company. For instance, they may not charge you extra if you decide to buy the casket elsewhere.
- A lot of the money people have paid in for their funerals, has been stolen. It should go into a trust fund – check where your money is going.
- Unfortunately, not all costs can be guaranteed. For example, the coffin you chose may not be available anymore. If you die in another country or city, there will be unexpected transport costs to pay as well.
- Compare prices.
A funeral these days can cost around $7,500. When you add the music, flowers, organist, chapel and other things you like, you are looking at a price closer to $10,000.
A funeral will always be expensive. Check out FuneralPlansGuide – a mine of information on pre-paid plans. By planning and paying for your funeral beforehand, your family won’t have the stress of large expenses of paying for a funeral. Give yourself and them peace of mind.
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All info was correct at time of publishing