Documents for the Master of the Supreme Court

Here we will look at the documents for the master of the Supreme Court required when you lodge a deceased estate.

Section A – Documents for the master of the Supreme Court

What you should do, when the value of the estate exceeds R125 000, you need the following documents:

A Completed Death Notice

An Original or certified copy of the Death Certificate this can be certified at a police station;

Also, an Original or certified copy of Marriage Certificate (if applicable);

All original wills and codicils or documents intended as such (if any);

Next-of-Kin Affidavit (if the deceased did not leave a valid will);

A Completed Inventory

Documents For The Master Of The Supreme CourtAlso, nominations by the beneficiaries for the appointment of an executor in the case of an intestate estate or where no executor is in the will, or the nominated executor has died or declines the appointment.

Completed Acceptance of Trust as Executor forms in duplicates by the person(s) nominated as executor(s)

Undertaking and bond of security.


These are the forms that you need to fill out. (-J294); (-J192); (-J243); (-J190); (-J262)

Section B – Documents for the master of the Supreme Court

Reporting documents where the value of the estate is less than R125 000 Section 18(3); Also, these estates are informally by a family member or close friend and a simple process whereby the Master will issue a Letter of Authority within 48 hours on receiving the documents below.

You must fill out the same documents as in Section A. (-J294); (-J192); (-J243); (-J190); (-J262)

List of creditors of deceased (if applicable)

Also, nominations by the beneficiaries for the appointment of a Master’s Representative in the case of an intestate estate or where no executor is nominated in the will, or the nominated executor declines the appointment.

Undertaking and acceptance of Master’s directions form (-J155.)

Also, the abovementioned documents must be posted to, or handed in at the Master’s Office or service point.


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All info was correct at time of publishing