Personal Funeral Cover from Metropolitan Life

Personal Funeral Cover from Metropolitan Life is one of the most popular funeral cover plans available in South Africa.

Metropolitan Life have offered funeral cover since 1890. Their head office was based in Cape Town and are considered to be one of the top 4 funeral providers in South Africa.

A provider that you can rely on to get the best possible personal Funeral cover for you and your family.

Personal funeral cover

The premiums start from only R37 per month and give benefits from R5000 till R50 000. The great thing about using Metropolitan life for your personal Funeral cover is you don’t need to go for any medicals. Acceptance is guaranteed.

personal funeral coverMetropolitan Life payout is within 48 hours once the correct documentation is received. Meaning that the money will be available for funeral costs as soon as possible. They cover up to nine family members with one funeral policy.

There are two different types of funeral covers that one can get – Single of Family

One plan is for a single person and the other for the whole family. Making your choice so much easier. There are also some tombstone benefits which pay money back after every five years.
Having a funeral plan at Metropolitan life makes life easier, because most funeral homes accept the Metropolitan life funeral plan.

Benefits of using Metropolitan life for your funeral plan

There are some benefits that Metropolitan life offer that are not offered by other funeral providers. One of them is a month where you don’t have to pay your premium. It’s called the Premium Holiday. However, you can only do this six times throughout the period of the policy.

Metropolitan life cover all children, no matter the age of the child and they also cover up to nine family members – meaning if you have nine children they will all be covered.

If you don’t have that many children you can add up to nine family members to your premium,

When the main member of the policy passes away the policy is carries on. Anyone that is over the age of 18 can take the policy over and become the main member. This ensures that your family will always have a funeral plan and your family don’t have to start all over again with a new policy.


Live life, enjoy life and get a Metropolitan Life personal funeral cover plan when life is no more – for the sake of your loved ones.

To get a FREE Funeral Cover Quote just complete and send the form above the article

All info was correct at time of publishing