Why having an Assupol Funeral Policy is Advisable

An Assupol policy specifically for a funeral is advisable. When someone close to you dies you won’t find yourself grieving for all the wrong reasons.

Such a reason might be the loss of all your money as you try to organise a funeral. Not having money to pay for a funeral can create feelings of bitterness and anger instead of loss and sadness.

Funeral insurance is necessary as it covers all the funeral expenses of a funeral as well as your own.

An Assupol policy is All you need for Peace of Mind

In South Africa, there is a mix of formal and informal burial societies. If you have multiple funeral policies on just one life from a host of different insurance providers, you become over-insured. You could lose some of the benefits you’ve been paying. Reputable insurance companies will often pay out less if you’ve got other funeral policies.

Get wise, Get an Assupol Policy for Funeral

It is advisable to have a good Assupol policy in place from a reputable and trustworthy funeral plan services provider. Assupol is a well-known brand with a century of experience behind them. They offer their services to emerging and mature markets.

Assupol Policy Benefits

  • No underwriting and no medical questions which make for easy acceptance.
  • Claims are paid out within 48 hours.
  • Assupol-on-call is part of the funeral policy and includes things such as trauma counselling etc.
  • Choose whoever you want to have included in your policy – benefits for your whole family.
  • Flexible cover – choose exactly the amount of cover you want.
  • Cashback – money back in your pocket whether you claim or not.
  • Premium waiver benefits – if you die, your premiums get paid for a limited period.
  • Benefits and premiums increase every year by the same percentage.
  • Accidental death benefit  – double payout for claims due to accidental causes.
  • Family income benefit – this lasts for six months.
  • Children enjoy cover for their entire lives and not just till they are 21.

Assupol policyThe uncertainties of the 21st century are causing people to seek meaning and security. Having an Assupol funeral policy is advisable as we need affordable and relevant products. Assupol doesn’t offer one-funeral-policy-fits-all products.

With a slogan that says ‘serving those who serve’, Assupol knows their clients and their needs, tailoring products to these unique needs.  They also go out of their way to quickly settle a claim which has resulted in thousands of satisfied clients.  They are always accessible through their extensive branch network across the country.

Fulfil your Funeral visions

Assupols funeral plans come purpose-designed for a range of different people and their budgets. Anybody who has endured the death of a loved one and has had to plan a funeral will say that having a funeral plan in place should be made legal as it can save so much misery.

We can all understand the emotional stress people have to endure with a funeral. But why suffer financial stress when it is so easy to solve the problem?

Assupol has become indispensable so South Africans. Everyone can now experience the benefits of this insurer, renowned for its exceptional qualities.

To get a FREE funeral cover quote please complete and send the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing