The Story of Assupol Life

It all started out for Assupol Life by providing insurance to the police force and other Government sectors in 1913. Later Assupol opened its doors to the general public. A group of police officers decided to collect contributions for bereaved families of their colleagues who had passed on. The drive led to the establishment of a Provident Fund for the South African Police which later became known as Assupol.

Assupol Life Becomes a Public Company

It was in 2013 that Assupol celebrated 100 years of existence. Assupol has seen many changes, and in 2010 Assupol Life was de-mutualised and converted into a public company. This event led to the formation of Assupol Holdings Limited and Assupol Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd.

The success of the company has been because of their ability to provide relevant and affordable insurance products.  Assupol Life Limited is a life insurance company registered regarding the Long-term Insurance Act – an organisation with a long history of serving the people of South Africa.

Today Assupol is one of South Africa’s oldest life insurance companies Their slogan says ‘serving those who serve, since 1913.’ They revamped their logo, allowing the rebranding process to reposition Assupol as the ‘insurer of the people.’

Today Assupol has come a  long way from providing insurance just to the police. To remain financially viable in a competitive industry, they no longer just serve one segment of the market. Everyone is welcome to apply. Their Assupol Life Coverrebranding doesn’t just include visual appeal but also means improvements in all areas.

When Assupol started with their rebranding campaign, it was trumpeter Hugh Masekela who partnered with Assupol. He featured in their advertising campaigns. Today Assupol offers funeral plans which are in demand with lump cash benefits of between R5 000 and R50 000. Assupol says that serving those who serve is more than just a tagline, but more like a promise – doing business the right way.

Leaders in a Competitive Environment

Assupol realises that consumers remain more under pressure than ever in 2017. By emphasising their values of customer service and quick and efficient claims settlement, Assupol is confident that they will still be able to grow their business in a competitive environment in future.

With such a well-recognised brand complete with amazing products that live up to their client’s expectations, Assupol believes that their customers will be able to count continually on them in good and bad times.

  • A market leader in the financial services sector – a trusted brand in target markets.
  • Know what South Africans want, offering affordable products.
  • Are readily available through their extensive branch network nationwide – exceptional client services.


A Worthwhile Investment

There is a saying that says ‘to acquire knowledge, one must study, but to acquire wisdom, one must observe’. By observing Assupol, you come to the realisation that this is good insurance. They offer life insurance, retirement plans, savings plans and funeral cover. You can be sure that whatever your premium may be, with Assupol, a name which has stood the test of time, you are making a worthwhile investment, ensuring the best cover for yourself and your loved ones.

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All info was correct at time of publishing