Want a Funeral Plan? Try Assupol

When life is busy its scarcely the time to think about death. The pulsating life we see all around us makes most of us put off planning a funeral. It’s only when someone we love gets snatched from us that we stop in dismay at our carelessness. Want a funeral plan? Then try Assupol.

Having a funeral plan is a good way to plan ahead. And it can spare one so much pain and turmoil. Obviously, nobody wants their family to face monetary worries and to bicker over money over their carelessness.

Want a Funeral Plan? Act Early, and Save

The average cost of a funeral in South Africa in 2016 is anything between R7 000 and R15 000, and at the rate things are going, funeral costs will be prohibitive. So that’s why it pays to take action now. The sooner one takes out a plan, the greater your savings will be. And your loved ones won’t have to frantically scramble around and try and find enough money to pay for a funeral that came like a bolt out of the blue. Wouldn’t if be far better to know that when a loved one dies, within 48 hours, cash to pay for a decent funeral will be available?

Want a Funeral Plan? Try Assupol – They’re for Life

Assupol Life provides good funeral cover. That’s because they are an authorised financial services provider. They were established in 1913 and today they offer their services to the general public.  With a slogan that says Want a Funeral Plan from Assupol‘Serving those who serve’, Assupol has thousands of satisfied clients. So they appreciate that benefits are provided for life and don’t come to a halt when you stop work or you turn 65. They enjoy being able to do all their financial planning from home – online. What is noticeable about funeral plans from Assupol is that their plans offer you more than just funeral benefits. They have come up with products on their funeral plans which can be used while you are still alive.

Two Great Options

Assupol gives their customers the choice of 2 excellent funeral plans.

  • Absolute Advantage Funeral Plan. This is available as a single- and family plan
    – Cover just yourself or include a spouse and up to 5 children. Cover is available for those up to 79 years of age
    – Six months waiting period for a natural death
    – immediate cover for accidental death
  • Excellence Family Funeral Plan. Provides money for your funeral as well as your loved ones and is R70 a month.
    – maximum cover for this plan is R50 000
    – a noticeable aspect of this scheme is that cover for your children is for life and not just till they turn 21 as is often the case with other plans.

Both of these funeral plans from Assupol offer a host of other benefits that will require research to find the best one that suits your needs and your budget. Both options also provide the value-for-money

Assupol On-Call

– HIV/Aids assistance
– transport of the deceased and family members
– telephonic medical care – by a qualified nursing sister
– ambulance and other transport
– admission fee to a medical facility
– trauma counselling, guidance with financial matters
– tutor assistance to children
– discounts on funerals

Want a Funeral Plan? – Conclusion

Despite a busy life style, anyone who is concerned about their family should look at what Assupol can offer them. There are so many good things going with them, and to get you off to a flying start, they are standing by, ready to take your call. You can call them on 0860 103 091 or you can get a  quick quote by using the online form they provide on their website.

For a FREE funeral cover quote, please use the form on this page. Just complete and send.

All info was correct at time of publishing