Benefits of Funeral Insurance from Liberty

South Africans choose the benefits of funeral insurance from Liberty often. And that’s because you can choose from a variety of plans. These allow them to give their loved ones the decent funeral they deserve. They also appreciate having dealings with an accredited company. Liberty is a leader in life insurance. And who offers great life products to benefit you and your family.

Liberty Life has paid out billions of rands over the years, and in 2016 they are one of the strongest life insurance companies in South Africa. Remember, they are not new to the insurance industry either; they started in 1957. So you can be confident that Liberty Life has the necessary financial services expertise to deal efficiently with the business of offering the benefits of funeral insurance to South Africans.

Benefits of Funeral Insurance – A Question

Liberty puts the question to you – ‘if you were to die in an accident, who will pay for your burial? What would become of your remaining family members? Would they feel destroyed when they learn that you Benefits of Funeral Insurance from Liberty Lifeleft them with plenty of debt as well as a mortgage bond to pay off? And what would they think when they find out how affordable Liberty’s funeral plans are, but you never bothered to invest in one?

The benefits of funeral insurance from Liberty means that your family can enjoy a generous lump sum of R50 000 to use towards paying for a funeral. So when you die, your policy will pay that lump sum and free your family from loads of stress. Importantly, the benefits of funeral insurance from Liberty is that you get options. So take your pick from:

  • Standard Funeral Plan.
  • Comprehensive Funeral Plan.
  • Parents Funeral Plan.

These plans are all affordable and range between R50 to R75 a month. Furthermore, the plans are suited to South Africans who want to provide for their entire family. In fact, you can cover up to 21 family members, and all under one plan. In addition, the Parents Funeral Plan will take care of all the expenses connected to your parent’s  funeral or your you in-laws funeral expenses. And whichever plan you opt for, the peace of mind you experience will be an adequate reward.

Benefits of Funeral Insurance from Liberty Life – Entire Family on One Plan

Depending on the funeral cover option you opt for from Liberty, your cover can be for up to 21 family members on only one plan. Importantly, cover with these funeral plans can range from between R10 000 right up to as much as R100 000. And you choose what you can afford. If your family member dies or you die in an accident, Liberty Life will offer the benefit of doubling the amount they pay out to you.

To get a FREE funeral insurance quote, please complete and send the form on this page

Another benefit from Liberty is that if you have been paying your premiums regularly, after five years  you will take advantage of a cash-back bonus. The amount equals an entire year’s premiums.

Some of the other amazing benefits offered by Liberty Life Funeral Plan are:

  • They will arrange to transport the body of the deceased to the place of burial.
  • Liberty provides members with a 24/7 helpline.
  • Liberty doesn’t ask that you have a medical examination to join.
  • They offer 15% discount on tombstones.But you must buy a headstone from a funeral parlour registered with Liberty, which applies throughout South Africa.
  • They offer legal advice regarding your estate.


Take Action Now

Liberty Life offers new generation products for South Africans. When you do research, you’ll find that their funeral plans are the most affordable there are. Why not call Liberty Life on 0860 327 327. A consultant will advise you on a new policy.  You’ll discover information about their value-for-money products and benefits you get with each plan. In exchange, you’ll have peace of mind.

Get a free funeral plan quote by just filling in their online form and soon you’ll discover what it means to have peace of mind that your family won’t feel bitter towards you because they had to find the money to pay for a funeral for you.

To get a FREE funeral insurance quote, please complete and send the form on this page
To get life insurance quotes click here





All info was correct at time of publishing