Quick Funeral Plan Quote from Metropolitan

Get a quick funeral plan quote from Metropolitan who is the 4th largest life assurance company in South Africa.

Funeral cover is one of their main products. You are well advised to get quotes from them when investigating funeral cover.

In South Africa, funerals can cost you anything between R10,000 and R50,000.

Often people feel this sort of money is unnecessary to pay out, thinking they will cross that hurdle when the time comes. Unfortunately, this hurdle often comes like a bolt out of the blue, claiming young and old, healthy and the sick.

A quick Funeral plan quote From Metropolitan can Put your Mind at ease

Quick Funeral Plan QuoteWhen a loved one dies, and the family is grief-stricken, finding a large sum of money to pay for a funeral is the last thing one feels able to do.

This financial stress can burden the family even more.

A wise plan would be to take out a Metropolitan Funeral Plan for you and your family. This covers the cost of the funeral, giving peace of mind and the ability to grieve without stress.

Metropolitan has three plans to choose from:

  • Access Funeral Plan
  • Basic Funeral Plan
  • Comprehensive Funeral Plan

You may cover yourself and your whole family, choosing either:

The Family Plan.

  • Cover from between R5 000 and R50 000, if either you or your spouse dies.
  • Your spouse and children are covered .
  • Covers children up to age 21. If they are students, up to age 25.
  • Children get cover from between R1 250 and R25 000.
  • Covers a stillborn baby.


The Extended Family Plan.

  • This is for your parents, in-laws, grandparents, cousins, etc.
  • Payout is up to R30 000, depending on your premium.


The Quick Funeral Plan Quote 

Waiting periods for natural death is 6 months and Accidental Death, no waiting period.

 Quick Funeral Plan Quote – Benefits Automatically added to your Cover

 Accidental Death.

  • This benefit is only for the immediate family.
  • Person must be older than 13, and younger than 65
  • The cover is doubled, up to R30 000.
  • Paid-up Benefit.
  • Premiums will cease when person retires, dies, or turns 65.


Family Assistance.

  • You will have any assistance you need, the whole year round, both day and night, 24hrs a day.
  • Help with the actual funeral, and transport of the body.
  • Helpline for legal matters.
  • Helpline for trauma, HIV, and assault.
  • A medical care facility for the injured.


Cash-back Benefit.

You will get a cash payout after 5 years of paying your full premium, on time, each month.


Quick Funeral Plan Quote –Optional Benefits

There are many fantastic optional benefits too. Just some of these include their


iNkomo Benefit – the ‘Cow’ benefit.

  • Can be a stand-alone benefit.
  • Maximum cash pay-out is up to R18,000.
  • It is a catering benefit for friends and family.


Automatic Inflation Management Benefit.

An increase in premiums and cover yearly, to keep up with rising costs.
Other benefits include their Survival Benefit, Shopping Benefit and Tombstone Benefit.

General Information

  • Metropolitan Funeral Cover is available in almost any language.
  • Premiums are calculated by the cover you need, and the age you are on your next birthday.
  • When you arrange the burial, you can get each product from a different provider, if you so wish.
  • With the appropriate documentation, claims will be settled within 48 hours.
  • No medical examinations or tests are necessary.
  • The most basic cover will have a premium of R36 per month, and will provide cover of up to R30 000.


Metropolitan Funeral Cover is one of the most affordable in the country. Don’t delay. Be wise, Get a quick quote today.

To get a FREE funeral cover quote please complete and send the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing