Usuthu Funeral Plan Details

Usuthu Funeral Plan benefits give people the welcome opportunity to save for the inevitable at an affordable rate.

So with this plan, if someone in your family dies unexpectedly, you will be able to afford a dignified funeral.

Usuthu Funeral Plan Details?

  • Cover for a basic funeral.

This benefit pays out cash in the event of a validated claim. It covers the primary member, the spouse, and any children who are eligible (children you include on the policy on application).

  • Cover for a tombstone.
  • Extras – cover for members of your extended family; cover for additional children.

The primary member can also choose to cover members of his or her extended family.

Usuthu Funeral Plan for South Africans

Details of the Extended Family Benefit

  • Open to everyone up to age 94.
  • Members of your extended family can only be added to the cover once.
  • As long as there are no more than the maximum number of household members, then you can add another member if there is a marriage in the family.


Details of the Wider Children Benefit

  • This benefit includes children up to and including 18 years old who depend on the primary member, as long as they are a relation. You may have to provide documents as proof. You can include as many as four extra children under this benefit.

The three different types of cover you can choose from in the Usuthu Funeral Plan:

  • Single member cover
  • Individual member (parent) and children
  • Entire family cover


The various types of membership:

Main member:

The cover is open to South African residents between the ages of 18 and 94 years old who can pay the premiums, and who have a bank account for debit orders. It is also open to current main members of a Safrican Fund, who have been members for at least a year.


This benefit is open to South African residents under the age of 70 years old, who are married to the main member by law, but also through tribal customs or Asian religion. This includes common-law marriages and same-sex relationships.

Qualifying children:

You can include any children under the age of 21 in the main member’s policy, as long as they are not married, including the step, posthumous, illegitimate, legally adopted, and stillborn children. If the child is still studying, then they can still be included in the policy, up to age 25. If the child is mentally or permanently physically disabled before the age of 21 years old, then the cover is extended until the death of that child, or until the main member no longer qualifies.

Members of the extended family:

That includes cover for parents, parents-in-law, siblings, aunts and uncles, and children over 21 years old. And you can add as many as ten dependents; however, there are certain limits. Dependents cannot be older than 94 years old, you have to take out a Basic Funeral Plan first, and you can cover these dependents can only once.

To get a FREE funeral cover quote, please complete and submit the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing