Cost of Direct Burials in South Africa

Life is so expensive these days that South Africans are looking at every possible avenue there is to get something which is cheaper. Many are looking at the cost of direct burials.

Even death has become a costly event and people have discovered that cremation is a cheaper alternative to burial. For people who don’t want to take the cremation route, direct burials seem to be the perfect alternative.

If you haven’t made provision for your funeral, and you don’t like the idea of your family having to pay for it, a direct burial can be the way to go. Prices of funerals – whatever form they take – can range widely, even within a local market, and most of the funeral homes in South Africa don’t disclose their prices.

Things which Influence Prices of Direct Burials

The options at death are many and range from donating your body to medical science which can be free to a formal, sophisticated  funeral with burial. Which option you choose will depend on things like price, culture, religious affiliation and budget.

Doves, Martins and Doves are all famous names in the funeral industry and they don’t publish prices on their websites. However, when you ask, funeral directors are required to give you a written, itemized price list for their products and services. Funeral homes will tell you its because the range of products and services is too large.

Direct Burials in South Africa

The most basic kind of funeral today can cost roughly between R7 000 and R10 000. This is a sum of money that many people without a funeral plan in place don’t have.

A Quick Burial with No Frills

So what is a direct burial in South Africa and is it affordable? Direct burials are for those people who don’t believe it is necessary to have a formal funeral service. There are many people who can afford a full-on funeral but they actually opt for a direct burial out of personal preference.

They appreciate the no-fuss simplicity of it. Just because you choose a direct burial, you can still opt to have a farewell ceremony if you want after the event. Because of the demand, many funeral directors offer these services – direct cremations and direct burials where the body is is buried in a simple container – often cardboard.

With such a burial no viewing or visitation is involved. Costs are far less than the traditional burial.

Costs include –

A direct burial is certainly a far cheaper option that a traditional burial. Displaying prices online would certainly help consumers plan ahead for a funeral. But without these prices displayed on a website, you will need to shop around.

No Stress with Finances

Try and do research about prices in your local area, visit some funeral homes and ask for a fee breakdown. Momentous changes like death cause great stress. However, with an affordable direct burial, at least you eliminate the stress of parting with a small fortune.

To get a funeral plan quote, just complete and then submit the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing