Funeral and Burial Fees in South Africa
Living in such a violent society has meant that the funeral industry in South Africa is booming. And as a result funeral and burial fees continue to rise.
Also, in South Africa, there are people who believe in throwing lavish and spectacular funerals for their departed family members. All of this pushes up funeral and burial fees.
To cater for the rainbow nation, South African funeral directors offer a variety of funeral policies. These start in the region of R50 a month to much more.
There is also funeral cover quotes options for funeral insurance.
Funerals are Big Business and dying Gets expensive
Undertakers are often criticised for their high costs. But they pay little attention because they know that burying the dead is profitable. And they know that people inevitably pay up to give the departed a proper send-off.
They don’t care that the high cost of funerals is putting poor families under loads of financial pressure. And neither do they care that counsellors are approached more frequently to advise families battling with debt. These are families who have spent exorbitant amounts of money on extravagant funerals.
Keeping up with the Joneses will Break you in Many Ways
Unfortunately, in South Africa, high funeral and burial fees make no difference to people who only want to show off. Indeed, to keep up with the Joneses, some South African will part with R50 000 for a funeral which includes catering, flowers, public announcement systems, groceries and the hire of massive tents.
Funeral directors know that many families can’t afford these extravagant funerals, they don’t have a funeral cover, but they will borrow the money simply to keep up with and impress friends and neighbours.
Competition Determines Funeral and Burial Fees
There is also a lot of competition among undertakers, and they will also do what it takes to outdo each other with their provision of services and products. Mostly in the Black communities, where people can’t afford funerals, the burial societies help with costs.
In South Africa, there are thousands of burial societies who help with funerals that can cost in the region of R15, 000. The most expensive items are the coffin, and if the funeral is for Black people, there is also the expense of slaughtering a cow as well as feeding the many people who come for the funeral.
Burial societies have specially designed insurance products and members who make their regular contributions benefit from the cover provided.
There is a Cheaper, Better way to Go
If you’re reeling from the costs of funeral and burial fees, cremation or related costs and catering services, don’t despair. If you carefully do your research, you’ll find there are reputable funeral service providers who offer affordable funeral and burial fees.
The secret is first to ensure that the funeral home you choose has policies underwritten by a registered long-term insurance company. They offer a host of funeral products which cater to your needs and your immediate- and extended family.
Do not rely on the deceased’s life insurance policy to take care of funeral and burial fees. The payout process is much too long for that.
Isn’t it far better to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses and to do your own thing? Stop pretending and rather settle for a dignified funeral that is affordable and meaningful so that you don’t land up in trouble with loads of debt to add to your worries. Another way to contain funeral and burial fees is to buy into a funeral plan.
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All info was correct at time of publishing