Safrican funeral plans now in Swaziland.

Established in 1932, Funeral plans from Safrican come with years of experience. Here’s what you get –

  • Cover for funeral costs
  • A simple claims process
  • Insurance for you, your family and extended family
  • Swazi citizens can apply as well


Funeral plans from Safrican take Care of It all

Having a decent funeral service for your loved one is a final act of respect. It helps provide you with a means to express your love and start the healing process.

However, a proper funeral does not come cheap. Even a simple service starts at a few thousand Rands. Money becomes very important here – you don’t want people to see you as penny-pinching, but you also don’t want to be in debt for the rest of your life.

Funeral plans from SafricanSafrican offers funeral cover that takes care of it all for you. A funeral service can be complex, how many people will attend, how much will the food cost, transport, etc.

Funeral plans from Safrican started in 1932

Safrican has been helping people afford decent burial services since 1932. They have built a lot of trust over the years and have now extended their services to Swaziland as well.

The company has branches in several major cities across South Africa and have a range of products and services that meets all your needs.

They are one of the leading group insurers and have a client base of over 2 000 000 people. They have links with funeral parlours, burial societies, trade unions, church groups, corporate and state-owned firms.

Funeral plans from Safrican for Individuals and Groups are –

  • Compulsory Funeral Benefit: Pays out cash if the primary member or one of their dependents dies.
  • Voluntary Funeral Benefit: This pays out cash if the primary member or one of their non-dependent family members dies.

The Usuthu funeral Plan

This is a plan offered in conjunction with the AmaZulu Football Club. Cover starts at only R48 per month for those aged over the age of 18 and under the age of 94.

The package has the following benefits:

  • Funeral Cover: Pays out on the death of the primary member, their partner and children.
  • Tombstone Benefit: Have a memorial put up for your loved one.
  • Extended Cover: Chooset to cover members of your extended family for an extra fee.



Claims are paid out within 48 hours. You must submit the claim and the right documents no later than six months after the person has died. Claims left for longer than six months will not be paid. Your best option is to submit everything as soon as you have all the paperwork

To get a funeral quote please fill in the form on this page.

All info was correct at time of publishing