Why the Racial Tension Over Funeral Homes in Black Townships?
Irrational jealousy is all about the fear of loss. And now there are some Black township funeral parlours who are afraid that White and Indian-owned funeral parlours will take business from them. In fact, they told these White and Indian undertakers to stay right out of the townships. As they are taking away economic opportunities that Black-owned funeral undertakers believe they should have. So why the racial tension over funeral homes in black townships?
- Some Blacks felt that they should provide services to their own people
- Economic opportunities are few and according to some, these opportunities should be for Blacks
- Indian business owners threaten to fight the ban
- no freedom of choice sparks anger with those who simply want to choose the best funeral parlour
Whites and Indians – Get Out! – Racial Tension Over Funeral Homes
In fact, it is thought that banning other funeral parlous from operating in the townships would be looked upon as a step towards redressing apartheid. It was thought that seeing that most townships were populated essentially by Blacks. And that Black funeral parlous should attend to the funeral needs of Black people.
So bitter are these Black funeral parlous about Whites and Indians succeeding where they have not. They have planned to picket outside various funeral parlours owned by Whites and Indians. They didn’t see this as racial.
Indian Funeral Parlour Owners Fight Back
Now angry Indian funeral parlour owners have threatened to fight an imminent ban from operating in these townships, saying it is apartheid reversed and goes against the constitution. A spokesperson for the KwaZulu Natal Funeral Director’s Association says it is wrong to try and stop anyone from trading in the new South Africa.
The secretary-general of the National Funeral Parlour Association of SA merely says that the decision was to create equity within the industry. He went on to say that for years Whites and Indians have been operating in these Black communities. And as a result that Black business owners are struggling.
No Freedom of Choice? Racial Tension Over Funeral Homes
In the new South Africa, there is still no freedom of choice and township dwellers are forced to make use of services and products of certain providers when they know of something better but which they aren’t free to use.
Nafupa steers Away from Petty Politics – Racial Tension Over Funeral Homes
Business is business and Nafupa’s president said that he had established his organisation in 2015. And many Indian members were part of it. The group broke away from the organisation. Because of these petty political ideas of who must and who must not.
Nafupa believes that business doesn’t see race or colour. And that it was up to every person to opt for the funeral parlour that appealed to them the most. Maseko said that he wanted to emphasise to Indian, White and Black funeral parlour owners that Nafupa doesn’t discriminate against race and that their doors are open for anyone wanting to do fair, legitimate business.
The KwaZulu-Natal Funeral Directors Association went on to say that South African undertakers had the right to conduct their business where they wished, and that telling them where they could- and couldn’t trade went against the constitution.
One funeral parlour owner from KZN said that Indian and White undertakers get work in Black areas because of their good reputations. And that having to pull out of certain areas would simply impact communities negatively.
He went on to say that groups who want White and Indian businesses out and who claim to be fighting against the wrongs of apartheid are simply using double standards as they now try to put up signs saying ‘Black-owned Funeral Parlous for Blacks Only’. It just doesn’t make sense.
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All info was correct at time of publishing