Assupol Funeral Plan Details

If you are on a tight budget you should make plans for unavoidable life events. That’s where an Assupol funeral plan comes in. Thinking ahead can help you make well-thought of decisions about important events throughout your life, right to the end. With a good funeral plan, you can actually choose the items you particularly consider as important for your funeral, and leave out  those aspects you think are meaningless.

Research different funeral plans, compare them and their prices and choose one. Having a funeral plan in place can certainly spare your family the anxiety of trying to scrape up the money  needed to arrange a decent funeral. Assupol offers funeral plans which are worth considering, and it’s in everyone’s best interests too look at such worthwhile funeral plans.

Assupol funeral plan – No Harrowing Medical Tests

Assupol funeral plan

Application is simple and you don’t need to undergo any harrowing medical tests either.  You’ll like and trust Assupol Life as they are an an authorised financial services provider, and that is important if you want to know your money is always in safe hands.

Assupol was established in 1913 as a burial society but they have expanded to become a leader in tailor-made insurance. With a slogan that says ‘serving those who serve’ they were also the first to introduce the 48-hour-claim turn-around which has become the norm for other medical aids.

Take Action Now

Assupol holds that if you take action now, you can avoid of lot of unnecessary stress in the future. Assupol has some seriously valuable benefits that stand out, and one of these is that their maximum benefit is R50,000. The other amazing benefit is that if you or a family member dies from accidental death, the payout you get will be doubled.

An Assupol funeral plan for individuals offers excellent benefits. For families there are 3 Assupol Funeral Plans – the Excellence Family Funeral Plan and the Absolute Advantage Family Funeral Plan which is available as a single plan or a family plan.

When you look at the website you’ll find listed all the information you need as well as well laid out tables for each of the different plans, making the plans very easy to understand and compare.

Their Excellence Family Funeral Plan, for as little as R70 a month, will provide money for yourself and your dependents. What people are amazed at is that with Assupol, cover is available for children, and not just till they are 18, 21 or 26 years of age, but for their entire life! With Assupol, acceptance is easy as there is no underwriting and no medical questions.

More Benefits of the Assupol Excellence Funeral Plan

●    Stillborn and newborn baby cover.
●    Only 6 months waiting period.
●    Unlimited number of family members can be covered.
●    Receive money every 4 years even if you claim.
●    Income for your family for 6 months after your death.
●    Premium waiver – retrenchment – guaranteed insurance for up to 6 months.
●    Paid up benefit – no more premiums after age 65 and all policy benefits remain for all lives insured.
●    Assupol On Call offers HIV assistance, trauma counselling, tutor assistance to children, admission fee to a medical facility and much more.

There’s not much you can do to avoid death but there is plenty you can do to avoid the stress, anxiety and bitterness that comes from not having simply taken out an affordable Assupol funeral plan. It prepares you to meet death without stress of over-burdening someone else with all the costs.

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All info was correct at time of publishing