AVBOB Offers the Best Funeral Insurance in South Africa
More than 4.6 million policyholders have benefited from special bonuses and funeral benefits over the past six years. In money value, this amounts to a staggering R1,75 billion. So reason indeed for AVBOB to claim it offers the best funeral insurance in South Africa. They provide a one-stop funeral insurance and burial service.
Best Funeral Insurance – Free Benefits (worth R9,300)
AVBOB offers many free benefits, just some of which are:
- Free basic burial or cremation.
- An AVBOB-specified coffin
- An AVBOB-specified hearse.
- AVBOB arranges the funeral.
- And AVBOB transports the body for free anywhere within the borders of South Africa, to the place of burial.
Make sure you do research because some of these free benefits are for those with policies older than two years.
Best Funeral Insurance – Premiums
- AVBOB calculates premiums according to the age of the oldest member of the family insured. The younger you are, the cheaper your premiums will be.
- It also depends on the level of cover you need. The cover ranges from R10,000 to R50,000.
- You pay for one child only; the rest are free.
- It is less expensive to have cover for your spouse than it would be for your parents.
Premiums from R37 per month.
- As an example, a husband, wife, two children, parent and a sister, each insured for R10,000, will have a family premium of R219 per month.
Best Funeral Insurance – Waiting Periods
- Six months for a natural death.
- Immediate cover in the event of accidental death.
Best Funeral Insurance – Other Benefits
- If your death is accidental AVBOB will pay out double the amount of your cover.
- AVBOB will arrange for a death certificate and assist with the other legal documentation of the funeral.
- AVBOB pays out the insured sum within 48 hours of receiving the documented claim.
- Breadwinner’s Benefit. If the main income-earner pays his premiums and dies in the first ten years of his policy, it will remain in force until the last member covered, dies. This feature does not apply to the extended family covered. The payout will not be less than 50% of the cover at the time of the death of the breadwinner.
- The policy accumulates value in an investment account, and you can withdraw once every five years.
- Every five years, without claiming, that year’s premiums will be paid out in cash.
Other Useful Information which Proves AVBOB Offers the Best Funeral Insurance
- AVBOB has been in the funeral industry for 100 years. They started in 1918.
- There are more than 150 branches available to you nationwide.
- You may call them any time of the day or night.
- The maximum entry age for you and your wife is 65 years.
- Only the first child pays a premium; the others are covered free of charge. Children have cover until the age of 20 and students who don’t earn an income, up to the age of 25.
- AVBOB revises premiums upward annually.
- Pay premiums .are paid until the death of the primary member.
- No medical examinations or blood tests are required.
AVBOB will partner with you or your family to make sure the funeral you want will be dignified, memorable, and a respectful celebration of life.
To get a FREE funeral plan quote please complete and send the form on this page
All info was correct at time of publishing