A Burial Policy from AVBOB

A burial policy from AVBOB will cover the expenses of one’s funeral and burial. They are desirable because they can protect your family from the financial burden that a funeral can be

Losing a loved one is a trying time, more so if you have to deal with the high costs associated with giving your loved one a decent send-off. And without a burial policy in place, the costs of a funeral can run into thousands of rands and can put financial strain and unnecessary stress on those trying to cope with their loss.

The benefit of a burial policy is that they are a great option for those who may have health issues. And there is no medical exam required!

Burial Policy from AVBOB

Your burial policy will come from a company who has been in existence since 1918. They are South Africa’s leading funeral service provider, with more than 150 branches all over the country. And they are a member of the National Funeral Director’s Association (NFDA), which means they commit to a code of conduct.

A burial policy from this renowned company will ensure that you can lay your loved one to rest in a peaceful, orderly fashion. Also, you can be sure that when you put in a claim, the company is financially sound to be able to pay out your claim as promised.

Burial Policy from AVBOB

Service Benefits of a Burial Policy from AVBOB

  • They will arrange with the doctor to issue a death certificate.
  • AVBOB removes the deceased and transfers the body to a state mortuary.
  • Once the family makes the identification, AVBOB takes possession of the body once again.
  • A representative will guide you in arranging the funeral service – the choice of burial.
  • They will help you choose a coffin.
  • You can use one of their chapels for your funeral service.
  • The burial policy premium is calculated according to the age of the member.
  • The maximum entry age of the member is 65.
  • Children enjoy cover to the age of 20 years or 25 years if they are full-time students and not earning.
  • There’s a waiting period of 6 months for death from natural causes. No waiting period for death by unnatural causes.
  • Once the appropriate documentation is verified, your death burial policy claim will be processed within 48 hours.
  • Payments are between R10 000 and R20 000 depending on the burial plan you choose.
  • An AVBOB policyholder will receive free benefits such as:

– A basic funeral if the policy is more than two years old – free use of hearse and arrangement of funeral
– Assistance with all official documents
– Funeral notices
– Free transportation of the deceased within South Africa
– R1 000 cash paid immediately for initial expenses
– You also get a 15% addition to the amount assured on the primary member. You can convert this into a six month Retrenchment Benefit

AVBOB believes that honouring the deceased is important as it gives closure and the confidence to continue life knowing you did your best. With a burial policy from AVBOB you know you’re in the hands of people who’ll take good care of you.

To get a FREE funeral cover quote, please complete and send the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing