Funeral Cover from DifferentLife Will Give Your Family a Different Life

Differentlife funeral cover is for people who want to observe traditions from the past when it comes to funerals.

They realise that without funeral cover in place, this is impossible. Funerals cost an absolute fortune today, and even for this final event in one’s life, you have to cut costs.

Funeral prices rise with each passing year, and bereaved people are struggling to pay. Unscrupulous funeral directors won’t explain their pricing structure to you but take advantage of your loss instead.

They know that this is one business that is always flourishing, in good or bad times. Death doesn’t stick to a timetable. And the worst funeral directors charge high prices no matter what time of year it is.

Know where to Look for DifferentLife funeral cover

Differentlife Funeral Cover

Fortunately, South Africa offers vast and varied funeral cover.

And there are plans for all budgets. So you can choose a simple but elegant funeral or one which includes top of the range caskets, flowers, music, a hearse, transport for relatives, professional pallbearers and a fantastic venue.

DifferentLife is a registered financial services provider. Old Mutual underwrites their policies, adding reliability and reputation.

Most People are After simplicity and Dignity

Different Life’s goal is to make funeral cover simple and inexpensive. That’s because they want to enable South Africans to access excellent funeral cover with just a few clicks.

They do things a bit differently, offering life insurance with a difference. For instance, you donate your first life insurance premium to the charity or cause you select. And once a year one of your premiums goes to any cause you choose.

DifferentLife handles matters in a professional manner, and you can email all claims to Or you can contact their consultants at 010 020 1920 to register a claim.

With funeral cover, Different Life takes full advantage of technology. This fact enables all interested people to get access to information on a range of insurance products with just a few clicks.

They’ve made it that the entire process online is user-friendly. You can amend every policy online. However, if you come up against any problems, helpful consultants are available through LiveChat anytime.

Safeguard the Future of your Family with DifferentLife Funeral Cover when you’re Not There Anymore

Differentlife Funeral Cover depends on your income. You can qualify for life cover between R100 000 and R10 million. One of their favourite products is their Accelerated Funeral plan – a plan which can help a family live a normal life when the wage earner is no longer there.

The Accelerated Funeral add-on is useful. It can advance a portion of your life cover so that it gets to your beneficiaries when they need it. Just like with other insurance companies, with Differentlife, your life cover does not include cover for suicide.

With Differentlife Funeral Cover Your Funeral is Tailored to Your Needs

As with all funeral cover, there will be exclusions based on your health and lifestyle. DifferentLife believes they can make a difference in your life. Why don’t you call them or chat with them? Find out if the differences they talk about are important to you as well.

They will offer you an obligation free life cover quote; there are no brokers fees, and you get an optional funeral and terminal illness benefit add-on. You’ll get cover in 10 minutes.

DifferentLife tailors each and every single policy to suit each client’s specific needs, and they’re waiting to do the same for you.

To get a FREE funeral cover quote, please complete and send the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing