Why are Safrican contact details so important?

Contact details for Safrican at your fingertips makes it easier for you to contact us for quick service.

It also helps when you want to know about –

  • A product we sell and you need more information
  • Our FAQ (frequently asked questions) page to provide answers before customers phone you
  • Contact details also ensure you’re providing a 24 hour customer service

Contact details for Safrican – Who, What and Where are You as a Business?

No website and no contact details for a business equals no customers. There are millions of people who have access to the Internet. No matter what your business is, you need to know these people can reach you.

Basic business info is vital in the funeral business. What are your hours, where are you located and how can you be contacted? No contact details mean your competitors get the business.

Contact details for Safrican and the ‘About Us’ Page –

If you have queries about a product or service, how will you ever get answers from anyone if you can’t find their address, their telephone numbers and email address?

The ‘About Us’ page on your website introduces your business to new and current customers and contact details give credibility to a business.

Without contact details, users might well wonder what you’re trying to hide. It makes it easy for people to do business with you the more details you provide. Every business should have links to social media profiles as well as a Google map.

Contact details for Safrican

Who is Safrican?

Safrican Insurance Company started out in 1932 as a Burial Society. Their main business is to provide funeral cover you can afford.

Safrican is sought after because they take away a lot of stress that comes with planning a funeral. Their contact details are listed on leading online market places such as Snupit, which allows you to quickly find local service professionals.

The  contact  details for Safrican branch in Bloemfontein for instance are –

47 Zastron Street
Free State
9301. Tel: 051 447 1621

They have seven branches in Johannesburg where their head office is as well as branches in Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, Pietermaritzburg and Polokwane means that they need contact details for each branch.

Safrican Contact Details – Head Office – Johannesburg:

Tel: 011 778-8181
Email: compliance@safrican.co.za

Queries about Policies -:
Email: clientretention@safrican.co.za
Tel: 011 778-8000 or 011 778-8183

Queries regarding Claims:
Email: claims@safrican.co.za
Tel: 0866 773 224

Website: www.safrican.co.za –  (still under construction)

Safrican offer funeral cover you can afford. The costs of a funeral are rising and Safrican has come up with ways to ensure that their funeral policies cater to the needs of all South Africans. Their policies are there for those who would  not be able to buy a funeral plan.

Make use of their contact details and get a funeral plan quote now!

All info was correct at time of publishing